Contact us

To help us direct your question to the best team to provide an answer please select which option best describes you.

  • I would like to speak to someone about setting up a new account
  • I'm an existing customer and need help with my account
  • I’m looking to integrate payments to my software platform or application
  • I’m a member of the media

We may use and share the personal information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To provide our Services to you and your business, including fulfilling Paysafe’s obligations to you or to financial or other institutions in connection with the Services we provide to you (and / or your business). In this context we record and track details of transactions you (and / or your customers) carry out in relation to the Services; analyse and report on your (and / or your customers’) use of any Loyalty service; facilitate the collection or redemption of any points or other rewards currency in respect of any Loyalty programme; notify you about important changes or developments to our website or our goods and services.
  • To improve and develop our business, including without limitation to optimise our websites/portals, products, and services. This may include using information you insert into forms but do not submit to us, for example by using that information to optimise our website(s) and contacting you for customer services or marketing purposes in relation to that form. We can also use your personal information to develop and test new products and services including in our secure and controlled test environment, or occasionally in those of our suppliers.
  • To manage and enforce our rights, terms of use or any other contracts with you (and/or your business), including to manage any circumstances where transactions, rewards or points are disputed; manage, investigate, and resolve complaints; or recover debt or in relation to your insolvency.
  • To manage and mitigate our credit risks and terms of business. If you apply for one of our financial products, we may assess your financial position (and / or of your business), to the extent this is provided for in the applicable terms of use. This credit check will also affect any linked parties such as directors, shareholders, and principals. We can do so by receiving and sharing information from and with credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies. This credit check will also affect anyone with whom you have a joint account or similar financial association. If it is a joint application, and such link does not already exist, then one may be created. These links will remain until you file a “notice of disassociation” at the credit reference agencies to the extent that such disassociation is allowable. For your information, the agencies will record our enquiries which may be seen by other companies who make their own credit enquiries; and a “footprint” may be placed on your credit file, whether you are accepted as our customer. If you are a Director, we will seek confirmation from credit reference agencies that the residential address that you provide is the same as that held by the relevant companies’ registry (where applicable). In addition, where you take services from us, we will give information on how you manage your accounts to the credit reference agencies. If you do not repay any monies in full and on time, credit reference agencies will record the outstanding debt and may share this information with other organisations that perform checks like ours. Records generally remain on file at such agencies for 6 years after they are closed, whether settled by you or defaulted, although the retention period may differ across different agencies and territories. If you would like further information on our use of credit reference agencies, please contact us.
  • To prevent and/or detect fraud, financial crime, manage risk and to better protect ourselves, our customers, and the integrity of the financial system, it may be necessary to process and disclose sensitive or higher risk personal information (sometimes known as special category personal data) including biometric data to third parties who help us in managing such risks, including identity verification. This may include software and services we use to verify your identity/age by determining whether a selfie you take matches the photo in your ID.
  • During the identification process we may use a facial recognition process to compare your selfie with your uploaded ID document. During this process biometric data is generated by creating a digital map of your face to better compare your ID photo and your selfie picture. This helps to reduce fraud and is therefore in the substantial public interest. Any biometric information generated is immediately deleted following a match. Paysafe itself does not generally store or retain biometric data because such information is generally generated using secure third-party anti-fraud systems. If your biometric information is stored, retained, or used directly by Paysafe in any way, you will be notified at the point of collection. If you want to know more about our policies and processes in respect of your biometric data, or indeed our use of any other sensitive, higher risk or special category personal data, you can reach us at the details provided in the Contact Us section.
  • To prevent, detect and prosecute fraud and other crimes and abuses of the financial system, or to assist others in doing so, including non-compliance with any terms of business and which may involve the sharing of any relevant or necessary information we have collected or inferred with third parties for such purposes. Paysafe participates in anti-fraud initiatives, which involve assessing you (and/or your customers) and monitoring your transactions and/or locations, to detect patterns requiring investigations or otherwise profile and assess the likelihood of fraud occurring or non-compliance with our or other’s terms of business. We can do so utilising products and services from third parties. Besides, if you give us false or inaccurate information about you, or we identify or suspect a fraud or a crime, we may pass your information to fraud prevention agencies and organisations and to law enforcement agencies and similar bodies, and we may decide to take legal action against you.
  • Where permitted by law, we may use information related to financial well-being and other credit or risk factors to make decisions on the pricing of our Services.
  • To contact you about your account, to alert you to potential problems, and to respond to your questions to us.
  • To manage risks, such as credit and foreign exchange risks, as well as to prevent or mitigate information security risk.
  • To send marketing messages, to provide you with the information on products and services you have requested, or we think may be of interest to you; to obtain your views on our goods, services and our website/s; in respect of marketing, market research and similar activities, we may use your personal information for such purposes whether or not you are accepted as a customer or continue to receive Services. If you no longer wish to receive marketing or promotional information from Paysafe, you can always stop it. You can find more information in the section “Your Data Protection Rights”.
  • To comply with local and national laws.
  • To comply with requests from law enforcement and regulatory authorities on public interest grounds or from commercial organisations with whom you have or have had dealings, to establish, exercise or defend legal claims, or to protect your vital interests or those of other persons; for example to help those authorities or other organisations in the fight against crime and terrorism; and
  • To comply with card scheme rules or any terms of business.

If you provide information to be published or displayed on public areas of the website/portal or transmitted to other users of the website/portal or third parties, you understand that such information can be used by any third parties accessing the information for any purposes. This information is posted by you at your own risk, and you must comply with the terms of use of such site.